Nobly meaning in hindi 224547-Nobly meaning in hindi

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Nobly meaning in hindi

Nobly meaning in hindi-'Nobly, he strove during his short time as emperor to bring about a negotiated peace between the warring powers' 'He is a great soldier who has fought nobly in many battles' 'They pressed bravely and nobly onward amid their trying circumstances'Mar 24, 17 · Nobly in a sentence (1) She bore the disappointment nobly (2) Eric's sister had nobly volunteered to help with the gardening (3) They chose to die nobly rather than to betray their king (4) But he appreciated her concern;

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Nobly definition 1 in a way that is morally good, brave, honest or kind 2 in a way that relates to belonging to Learn moreVery unlike a noblewoman 'sAs, nobly born or descended (adv)Splendidly;

Hindi, or more precisely Modern Standard Hindi, is a standardised and Sanskritised register of the Hindustani language Hindustani is the native language of people living in Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and parts of Rajasthan Hindi is one of the official languages of IndiaIn this scene Savenko really found his form and gave a nobly moving account of Glinka's music The Greeks' practice of having the nobly bred women engage in weaving appears to be economic in purpose Julia works for Michelle, a literary agent who nobly downed tools to drive her to the woman's sixthfloor council flat for a tearful reunion Most of the nobly born have at one time orNobly definition in English dictionary, nobly meaning, synonyms, see also 'nobbily',notably',noble',nob' Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary

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